Friday, March 14, 2008

Weather Permitting

Apparently we are a few weeks away from the beginning of the English summer. The hours of light are steadily growing longer and plants are starting to bloom. I hope to take some nice pictures and see some beautiful countryside without rain and overcast skies in the coming weeks. It has been rather overcast here in Seaton over the last couple of days. I, personally, do not care for overcast skies as they tend to make me feel somewhat down and depressed. Yesterday started out as a beautiful morning promising clear skies and good weather. As soon as I had that thought, the skies dimmed and the clouds took over. Progressively the day just got darker and darker until finally the rain came down. Looking at the forecast: today calls for light rain then heavy rain on Saturday and Sunday; both Monday and Tuesday should be clear and happy days.

After some delays due to bad weather here in the UK, Jerry is back home from his vacation to Italy with Charlotte. They had a pleasant and relaxed time, but now are back to work with Jerry here in Seaton and Charlotte working and living in London. It has been nice having Jerry back home. I have been able to share with him some of what I have been going through recently and he has been quite helpful. Having company to look forward to at the end of the day has been quite nice. Miriah also seems quite pleased to have Jerry home.

Now that Jerry is back, I am also back out in the yard doing projects out in the garden. Currently, I am digging out a fair portion of dirt and material from a place where Jerry, eventually, hopes to be able to build and place a shed for tools and other odd bits. Since Jerry has been back we have been able to discuss plans for future projects out in the yard. There is much to be done and plenty that will keep me busy while I am staying here with Jerry in Seaton. Yesterday I was out in the yard hauling dirt most of the day. In order to haul out the dirt, first I had to move a compost pile from one area of the yard to another. That has to be one of the most disgusting things I have ever had to do in life. My body feels a little battered and beat this morning from the workout I received yesterday, however, weather permitting, I am planning another day out in the garden today finishing up the dirt hauling and completing some other smaller projects. As I write this, the weather is indeed overcast, but with luck the rain will not start until later on in the day. All the outdoor work that I have been doing is toning up my body and making me feel healthier in general. I have lost 5 pounds since I have left for my trip and hopefully gained some muscle mass.

Overall, I have been fairing much better emotionally then I was a week ago at this time. My parents sent me some books to read after my viewing my blog entitled "Fear". I have started to read and dissect one of them and it seems to be helping. At the very least, it is giving me something to concentrate on when I do not have other things to keep my mind occupied. I have been having regular conversations on the phone with my parents via Skype which has been both comforting and helpful. Actually, I have been talking more often with them now then I ever did when I lived with them; funny how that happens. Certainly having Jerry back home has helped me feel more normal as well. Also, I was able to speak with Irene on the phone the other day. Because she has been so busy with her school work, seeing as how she is upon finals, and due to my extreme emotional behaviour, we were out of contact for about a week. Having finally talked to her on the phone the other day has given me peace of mind and, of course, I do love speaking with her.

I am looking forward to the next coming weeks. Jerry and I have been discussing things that we would possibly like to do together. This coming weekend, Jerry will be studying quite hard as he has a paper due at school that he needs to work on. Currently, he is studying to become officially certified in the UK as a Neuropsychologist. In which case, this weekend will be a good time for me to also do a bit of reading in the books my parents sent me; that is unless the forecast is wrong and it will not be raining, then I will most likely be out in the yard working. The following two weekends after this one I will be in London. I have signed up to take two acting workshops at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts which just so happens to be held right down the street from where Charlotte works, and where I will be staying. In the mean time, I have done some looking into places here in the UK that I would possibly like to go and visit. So far, I am fairly certain that I will visit Cambridge, Stratford-Upon-Avon (home of Shakespeare), and take a 5 day guided tour of Scotland.

Now I am off to take Miriah for her first walk of the day then into the yard for some more dirt permitting, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are ya really learning anything significant or are you just prolonging- gettin a job and contributing to society?
I'm all for exploring, traveling and learning about yourself, but come on...