Monday, February 18, 2008

NYC, UK and Europe?

Months ago, when I first started making preparations for my travels, I found it very funny that when I told people that I was going to go travel the world, they would ask me: "So, what are you going to see in Europe?", or "I heard you are going to Europe...?". I received numerous inquiries that were all variations on that same theme. For some reason everyone seemed to assume that because I was going traveling in other countries of the world, I must be going to Europe. I would promptly correct them by saying that the only place in Europe I knew for a fact I am traveling to at some point is London and greater UK. I would explain about my intentions on traveling across into the south pacific then working my way across the world eventually ending in London. I would then state that I really did not have any intention of going anywhere in Europe expect for the UK and MAYBE Germany. Well, now it seems, Europe is my destination after the UK. They all said it so much, I guess they made it come true.

Tomorrow morning I take flight for New York City; not before a connection in Chicago. I must thank my good friend Peggy for gifting me a free flight anywhere in the US that Southwest flies. It has certainly come in handy. I will be in NYC for about a week before I leave for a flight to London on the 25th of February, where I will then meet up with my cousin Jerry who lives about 2 hours north the UK capital. At this point, I am not sure how long I will be staying with Jerry or exactly what I will be doing when I am there. I just know it has been far to long since I have seen Jerry, his wife Charlotte or their dog Mariah.

Regarding NY:
I have been to NYC before, but only for a weekend. At that time, I did not do any research of the area ahead of time. Rather, I simply walked the streets, going where I wished. This time, I have scoured the internet looking for things that interest me. I now have a decent list of things that I want to see and do; more then enough to keep myself occupied. While I am in the city, hopefully, I will be able to meet up with my cousin Cal who is apparently bored out of his mind, waiting for the NAVY to finish up his schooling in Connecticut before he is stationed in Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Los Angeles submarine.

I have been having a hell of a time trying to find a place to rest my head for the week I will be in NYC. Hostels there seem to be extremely expensive (as high as $60 a night in some cases) even for dorm style accommodation. I have been vigorously attempting to find someone on the website who will host me (meaning let me sleep on their couch). Finally, I may have made a breakthrough and one person seems to be free and able to take me in. I am really looking forward to my first couchsurfing experience as it is meant mainly to be a way of sharing thoughts, ideas, art, peace and good times for everyone all over the world. Last week, when all hope seemed to be lost in finding someone who would host me on Couchsurfing, I broke down and booked two nights at a hostel on Manhattan, but hopefully I will be able to fill up the rest of my nights on some friendly couches!

I am in eager anticipation to get out and about in the world once more. NYC should be fun and I am looking forward to seeing my family.

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