Thursday, December 8, 2011

Occupy Your Street

We try and drown our negative feelings in external experiences.  Anger, fear, pain, sadness, hatred.  We believe these feelings to be so overwhelmingly powerful that it is better to hide, bury, run, destroy them than to feel them.  So we go out for a night on the town, get drunk, watch a movie, eat until we cannot eat anymore, cut ourselves, go running, play a game, buy a toy, watch TV, surf the internet, call a friend, have sex, go to the gym, focus on the positive, spend money, make money, work, sleep, blame it on others, make others hurt...anything but feel what we are experiencing.  Anything would feel better, we believe.  Why not just feel what we feel?  Why not be aware of what is going on in our own minds and bodies.  We cannot control these feelings so does it make any sense to condem them? 

We are trying so hard to protect ourselves.  We work so hard and making life bearable.  We do not wish to be numb to life, numb to our feelings, but the fear of those feelings is so strong and overwhelming.  What if actually being present with our feelings and expressing them would help our lives be more bearable than it is when we are fighting them?

What if we all came together and made the intention to express our emotions?  What if we created a place where it was okay and safe to be afraid, to be sad, to be lost, to be angry, to have hate.  What if we witnessed each other feeling these emotions and gave loving attention to each and every one of those emotions, no matter the circumstance?  What would your life be like?  What would our world look like?  

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