Thursday, August 22, 2013

Human Health

What does it mean to be healthy? 

After six years of self-reflection, study and experimentation in an attempt to discover what it means to be a healthy human being, I can finally say with certainty, I don't know. 

As it turns out, it is not possible to determine what health is without defining what we are as humans.  Since it is not possible to describe what we are as humans with words and solid concepts, it is therefore not possible to define what health is. 
Having that been said, there is one excellent measure of health.  One's capacity and ability to adapt and change along with the present moment.  If there is one constant aspect of life that we can all agree upon, it is change.  To the extent that one is able to change free from struggle and conflict is to the extent one is healthy.  A healthy individual moves as the circumstances move.  On the flip side then, ill health or dis-ease is characterized by solidity and rigidity, ie non-movement. 
As westerners and as Americans, we have been taught that through the accumulation of knowledge and skill, we can learn to be successful, healthy, and free.  In our culture, smart is the ability to show off one's extensive collection of ideas and skillful capacity.  Yet knowledge and skill have little relation to health.  In fact, it may be that the more knowledge one collects, the more difficult it is to adapt and change.  What good is being "smart" if knowledge collection makes it less possible to move/change/adapt? 

In reality though, I cannot speak for other's experience, only my own.  It is only I who can look inward to see if there is really any struggle or conflict in relation to the present circumstance.  And as you know little of my internal experience, I know very little of yours.  Therefore, only I can say if my actions or inactions are healthy or unhealthy. 

In which case, as a culture, it makes no sense to make a solid idea of what health and success are.  It is up to you, as an individual, to look inward at your own experience.  And if doing so is a big confusing muddle and you feel you need help in doing so... look not towards those who tell you they know what to do or how to do it.  Look not to the churches, to the healers, to the gurus, to the CEOs or the rich.  The people that tell you they know the way are simply trying to sell you something, or trying to make their delusions reality.  Look to the one's who change with the wind.  Look to those who ride life as though as though it is no big deal.  Look to those who adapt and let go with ease.  These are the people that can point in the right direction.  These are the people that we ought to look to as models for our newly emerging modern world-view.  And yet these people may have very little, if anything to say and nothing at all to teach... because it may be they know nothing at all! lol...

Smart is so overrated.